
Individual Blog 8 Part 2----Floating in the Air
                                                             The Spanish Manner

                                                             Floating in Air

During Goya lifetime, he only made seven albums. These include painting and drawings. The drawings are kept in a box to protect them from UV radiation. His drawing generate a great amount of imagination. The drawing are finished and they look like paintings. Goya uses inscription in his drawing but they are more complicated than cartoon. The reason is that the drawing can be interpreted in different ways. The drawing allow Goya to comment on his life with their great imagination without really being understood by the wrong people. I am trying to say that he can hide a message in the drawing like political without being detected. 
            “The Spanish Manner,” Rogozijo is one of the drawings that Goya drew. It was drawn I was drawn in the 1816-20. Two heavy dressed humans are in the drawing floating in the air with no ground below them. There are clouds in the sky. They are free floating in the air like in a vacuum. The inscription says that they are in the air because they are experiencing pure joy. There are castanets in the hand of the upper person. At the time Goya did the drawing, the castanets stood for happiness. That is understandable that they are swept of their feet by joy.  Further examining it brings about different questions: Whys are they old people? Old people can experience joy, but there is an unattractive physical appearance displayed by the figures. Another question is, “Are they real people?” This is an open ended question. It depends on what the observer thinks. There is no exact answer provided for the question. Goya is very ambiguous in his drawing.  The drawing of the garments is done fine. He used shadow and light in the drawing like on the skirt.
             I agree with the author that Goya drawing do induce great amount of imagination. He is making the observer think in many ways to interpret the artist true intention. The thesis is that Goya drawings are open-ended in interpretation. The author explains his point through the article like the absence of the ground make one think that the figures are in the air, or maybe they are dead etc…. This reminds me of the Parthenon article about why they the architect made to curvatures. One can not know an exact intention of the artist or architect.

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